I have been heavily involved in the music industry for several years. I have befriended and worked closely with legendary music execs. I have learned from first-hand experience something the major labels and power brokers do not want you to know: it’s a rigged system.
A lot of independent artists are putting their money into the system hoping to rise to greatness. The major labels want the indies to continue doing that in order to feed money into the industry, but only the major labels are going to get good money back out of the industry. The power players all know this and tacitly have each others’ backs. The artists mentioned on the radio and seen on the awards shows are mostly the same year after year — the major labels’ artists, of course. And the radio spins and industry awards follows suit. It’s for the most part the same artists…over and over and over again.
“Well, what do you expect?” you say? I have gotten deep enough into the industry to know that the major labels are going to get the money out of it, no matter what. I have heard songs on the lower charts from indie artists that absolutely outclass several of the Top 20 (money makers). But those powerhouse songs by talented indie artists will not with few exceptions rise past the Top 50s until signed by a major label.
“Well Mark, isn’t that the process?” you say. “The major labels will eventually discover and sign the talented indie artist; c’mon Mark.” Not necessarily! Let there be no mistake: the true talent is not always at the top of the charts or on the awards shows. With few exceptions, the major power players determine who will be at the top of the charts and on the award shows.
The Internet offers new ways for talented Indie artists to get noticed and rise up against the money/power giants in the industry. And that tool, the Internet, has enabled the rise of Grassroots Songs.
Grassroots Songs accepts all entries from all artists.
At the beginning of every month, members vote for five days, from the 1st of the month through the 5th. Each IP (computer) gets five votes:
Vote for…
1st Place (5 points)
2nd Place (4 points)
3rd Place (3 points)
4th Place (2 points)
5th Place (1 point)
The points will be confidentially tallied by our board, and the Grassroots Charts will be released on the 6th of each month.
Each artist is allowed up to four song entries per month.
As Grassroots Songs grows, we will eventually vote in different genres. But during this early phase, we will vote on all submissions collectively.
Charting in Grassroots Songs will bring attention to your song. That notable credit could even draw the attention of the big labels — the power players. Again the limit is four submissions per month. Make your submission today. And enjoy listening to and judging the other Grassroots Songs!
Coming Soon!